Tamra Judge is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Tamra thinks Lizzie is trying to turn everyone against her -- and defends those dress comments. Tamra writes:
"Sorry for the late blog, we have been enjoying our summer and just got home from vacation last night. I hope everyone is having a great summer! It's going by so fast. It's time to get the kids ready for school already. I cannot believe I'm going to have two in high school! The time really does fly! Sophia is going into fourth grade and just got her braces on. She is so excited and looks so cute with her pink and green smile. I am happy that it is the last pair of braces I have to pay for! Woot Woot! Sarah is now 12 weeks pregnant and things are suddenly very real. She has had a difficult pregnancy, with many trips to the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers. Ryan has also been struggling with his hemochromatosis, with twice a week doctor visits to have his blood drained. . . not so fun.
Welcome to Bali! Wow what a long travel day -- but we really can't complain since we were flying first class and I got to sit next to Heather. I love to fly. It is my time to just chill out.
The island of Bali, a third world country, has a unique culture of Hinduism. I was very excited to be in this very calm spirtual environment. I have to say I was a bit shocked when we drove through town. I think in my mind I was expecting something different. The families on the scooters were so crazy! The parents had on helmets, but the kids did not. If you could see how bad the traffic was and the way people were driving, you would understand why we were all freaking out.
The first night was relaxing and Vicki kept us very entertained as usual. But we were ALL very tired and went back to our room pretty early. The head pieces Heather had made for us were adorable -- and so Heather.
Dinner and drinks with the ladies took a turn for the worst when Danielle brought up "Dumb and Dumber" and here we go again talking about how NO ONE SHOWED UP TO LIZZIE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. How any times do I have to say I am sorry I did not show up to her birthday? My daughter was sick and there was NO WAY I would leave her.
I am starting to see that Lizzie is very self-centered and if things don't go her way then she's out for blood. My God, she hears Vicki say "I don't believe I have to hang out with dumb and dumber" and she is OK with that, just as long as she showed up to celebrate her birthday? I on the other hand have a sick child and I am the devil for not showing up? Shannon called at the same time to tell her they would not make it, but that is OK? I am starting to think this girl just has it out for me. But after hearing her comments this season "that she didn't want to be a mom raising kids is suburbia" and that "If Christian didn't provide her with a better birthday party next year she was going to leave him," I am starting to think that family is not a high priority to her.
I was not going to allow Lizzie to lie and say that I did not text her or communicate with her. I am getting tired of being blamed for everything this season! I thought it was important to refresh her memory and have Vicki read the text messages from that night. I clearly communicated with her! The picture that Vicki sent to me her dress was pulled up to her waist and it looked like she had lingerie on, so my natural reaction was "Lizzie you forgot your pants!" It was not me making fun of her at all! She responded "vagina." She told me she loved me and thanked me. I AM SO CONFUSED, WHAT IS THIS GIRLS PROBLEM?
I did get mad when Heather said I made fun of Lizzie's dress. I never said "Lizzie your dress is ugly." Again I said "What are you wearing?" How is that making fun of her dress? Plus I said it to her! I still do not understand what Heather got out of saying that to me? Was she just trying to start drama all over again?
Lizzie had pissed me off a few weeks before with her comment about Eddie. This was something that happened after the Valentine's Dinner was over, in front of six people. Lizzie was extremely drunk and I am finding out that when she gets drunk she is very mean. I feel she took a stupid game to another level by saying she wanted to shag Eddie because "she wanted Mexican/Italian babies" and when she saw the look on my face she said to me "your just mad because your husband wants to f--- me." I am sorry that is NOT OK to say about someone's husband. It was a game, I said i wanted to shag Christian -- but I really DO NOT WANT TO. She took the game way too far. Eddie was very disgusted with her mouth and whispered to me "Don't fight with a drunk girl." So we said goodbye to the others and left pissed off.
I had no intentions on bringing it up at all, but when she started getting nasty with me I thought "Is this girl delusional?" I have not done one thing to her and she said something that was way out-of-line and I was willing to forgive her because she had to much to drink.
I think the part that is confusing to me and actually kind of hurts is that I was SO nice to Lizzie all season. I never said a bad word about her. I tried to help her through the process of being the new girl. So to hear her warning Shannon about me is so hurtful. She knew that I had upset Shannon by telling Heather about the email and was going to take advantage of those feelings. After the dinner party at the beach house everyone was talking about how Shannon acted crazy. At least I am brave enough to say it to her face and not behind her back like you do!
When Lizzie asked me at her house "who told Shannon that the Dubrow's want to take down the Beadors?" My answer was "I don't know -- the green men in her head" because I NEVER said that to her. Yes, I was pissed that Shannon said that and in my mind she is saying it to cause drama at the beach party. If she really thought I said that why didn't she as ask me that weeks ago? And why didn't Vicki back her up at the table? It seems like these new girls like to talk about things that never were said away from others because then it's your word agains mine with no witnesses. NOT COOL!
I would have to say that Bali gets very bad for me and very hard to watch, I leave Bali a changed person! Stay tuned to see Lizzie try and turn everyone against me with more of her lies!"
What do you think about Tamra’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
"Sorry for the late blog, we have been enjoying our summer and just got home from vacation last night. I hope everyone is having a great summer! It's going by so fast. It's time to get the kids ready for school already. I cannot believe I'm going to have two in high school! The time really does fly! Sophia is going into fourth grade and just got her braces on. She is so excited and looks so cute with her pink and green smile. I am happy that it is the last pair of braces I have to pay for! Woot Woot! Sarah is now 12 weeks pregnant and things are suddenly very real. She has had a difficult pregnancy, with many trips to the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers. Ryan has also been struggling with his hemochromatosis, with twice a week doctor visits to have his blood drained. . . not so fun.
Welcome to Bali! Wow what a long travel day -- but we really can't complain since we were flying first class and I got to sit next to Heather. I love to fly. It is my time to just chill out.
The island of Bali, a third world country, has a unique culture of Hinduism. I was very excited to be in this very calm spirtual environment. I have to say I was a bit shocked when we drove through town. I think in my mind I was expecting something different. The families on the scooters were so crazy! The parents had on helmets, but the kids did not. If you could see how bad the traffic was and the way people were driving, you would understand why we were all freaking out.
The first night was relaxing and Vicki kept us very entertained as usual. But we were ALL very tired and went back to our room pretty early. The head pieces Heather had made for us were adorable -- and so Heather.
Dinner and drinks with the ladies took a turn for the worst when Danielle brought up "Dumb and Dumber" and here we go again talking about how NO ONE SHOWED UP TO LIZZIE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. How any times do I have to say I am sorry I did not show up to her birthday? My daughter was sick and there was NO WAY I would leave her.
I am starting to see that Lizzie is very self-centered and if things don't go her way then she's out for blood. My God, she hears Vicki say "I don't believe I have to hang out with dumb and dumber" and she is OK with that, just as long as she showed up to celebrate her birthday? I on the other hand have a sick child and I am the devil for not showing up? Shannon called at the same time to tell her they would not make it, but that is OK? I am starting to think this girl just has it out for me. But after hearing her comments this season "that she didn't want to be a mom raising kids is suburbia" and that "If Christian didn't provide her with a better birthday party next year she was going to leave him," I am starting to think that family is not a high priority to her.
I was not going to allow Lizzie to lie and say that I did not text her or communicate with her. I am getting tired of being blamed for everything this season! I thought it was important to refresh her memory and have Vicki read the text messages from that night. I clearly communicated with her! The picture that Vicki sent to me her dress was pulled up to her waist and it looked like she had lingerie on, so my natural reaction was "Lizzie you forgot your pants!" It was not me making fun of her at all! She responded "vagina." She told me she loved me and thanked me. I AM SO CONFUSED, WHAT IS THIS GIRLS PROBLEM?
I did get mad when Heather said I made fun of Lizzie's dress. I never said "Lizzie your dress is ugly." Again I said "What are you wearing?" How is that making fun of her dress? Plus I said it to her! I still do not understand what Heather got out of saying that to me? Was she just trying to start drama all over again?
Lizzie had pissed me off a few weeks before with her comment about Eddie. This was something that happened after the Valentine's Dinner was over, in front of six people. Lizzie was extremely drunk and I am finding out that when she gets drunk she is very mean. I feel she took a stupid game to another level by saying she wanted to shag Eddie because "she wanted Mexican/Italian babies" and when she saw the look on my face she said to me "your just mad because your husband wants to f--- me." I am sorry that is NOT OK to say about someone's husband. It was a game, I said i wanted to shag Christian -- but I really DO NOT WANT TO. She took the game way too far. Eddie was very disgusted with her mouth and whispered to me "Don't fight with a drunk girl." So we said goodbye to the others and left pissed off.
I had no intentions on bringing it up at all, but when she started getting nasty with me I thought "Is this girl delusional?" I have not done one thing to her and she said something that was way out-of-line and I was willing to forgive her because she had to much to drink.
I think the part that is confusing to me and actually kind of hurts is that I was SO nice to Lizzie all season. I never said a bad word about her. I tried to help her through the process of being the new girl. So to hear her warning Shannon about me is so hurtful. She knew that I had upset Shannon by telling Heather about the email and was going to take advantage of those feelings. After the dinner party at the beach house everyone was talking about how Shannon acted crazy. At least I am brave enough to say it to her face and not behind her back like you do!
When Lizzie asked me at her house "who told Shannon that the Dubrow's want to take down the Beadors?" My answer was "I don't know -- the green men in her head" because I NEVER said that to her. Yes, I was pissed that Shannon said that and in my mind she is saying it to cause drama at the beach party. If she really thought I said that why didn't she as ask me that weeks ago? And why didn't Vicki back her up at the table? It seems like these new girls like to talk about things that never were said away from others because then it's your word agains mine with no witnesses. NOT COOL!
I would have to say that Bali gets very bad for me and very hard to watch, I leave Bali a changed person! Stay tuned to see Lizzie try and turn everyone against me with more of her lies!"
What do you think about Tamra’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo