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Dorinda Medley: I Feel Bad I Said Anything About Sonja

Dorinda Medley is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Dorinda talks about her regrets regarding the conversation at Park Side in particular regreats talking about Sonja Morgan. Dorinda writes:

"This episode was all about trying to connect and being supportive of each other. I’M SURE YOU HAVE NOTICED, ahem…the way we communicate sometimes does not support this theory. So with that said…

I think the idea of having a cupcake decorating meet-up was a creative and fun one, and it gave us all a nice, relaxed environment to be ourselves. No pressure of loud music, hoes, bros, or flirty cocktail waiters. And since Bethenny organized it, it shows she really is making an effort with us—she likes us. It’s sort of a grownup playdate, with cake batter and frosting. It also proved to be an opportunity to bring out a competitive side from the girls. Each one executed through the decorating process with the kind of intensity we employ to run our lives: focus, pretty details, all while in heels and with a cocktail at arm’s reach. Ramona was contemplative and methodical, Sonja was light-hearted but with flair, and Bethenny was all business (put frosting on cake, put in box, move onto next cake…). I was thinking about it…Which color? Which pattern? Does it make me look taller? (That’s really all I ask myself every morning.)

To spice things up, we naturally peppered our chat with some real talk about Sonja and what the latest is with her life and court battle. I’ll be honest, I really love seeing her in these stress-free environments, because she can really charm anyone and has a beautiful vulnerability that is relatable and really nice to see. And then…BAM! She was organizing a trip to the Turks and Caicos for us! You may have seen my eyes pop out of my head like that emoji. I was thrilled but then…um…scared. After an overnight in Atlantic City, I’m a little anxious about spending five days—FIVE WHOLE DAYS—in a house with these girls. And worse, on an island that doesn’t have accessible cabs and public transport. YIKES! But, I always play along. It could go either way. Then the stress of bikinis overwhelmed all feelings of doom. You know, bikinis have that effect on women.

So, as an outsider on the inside, it’s fascinating to watch the relationship between Carole and Bethenny develop. They seem quite different, and they are, but it works. Granted, when a friend tells you they’re having sex with you in your dreams, you could either become REALLY close REALLY quickly, or you could get a court order. (Seriously, though, everyone needs to stop talking about sex and just have it. It’s like so much lead-up and no payoff.) But these two just click and they really bring out the best in each other. Carole is calm, a great listener, and really intelligent. Bethenny loves that in someone. She’s able to just be herself, not have to sift through opinons, judgments, or probing questions with Carole. Everyone else treats Bethenny like she’s Poor Richard’s Almanac. Carole is so laid back and so zen, she’s practically catatonic, and that’s what Bethenny needs. Hell, that’s what most of us need, come to think of it. I feel they’re developing a real, true, and fun friendship outside of the group.

So last week we saw Kristen launch her Pop Of Color, and this week, we saw The Countess Collection take off. I’m so proud of Luann and her collection. She has great style, has experienced so much in her life with modeling, a career in Europe, having children, and her relationships, that it’s so nice to see her put all that experience into creative energy and develop a clothing line. It was also an opportunity to break open her classic modeling moves, and show us what she’s got. And I’ll admit: I especially love the 80s Lauren Hutton fan effect. Who doesn't look good when a fan's blowing them around? It brings out the sexy in all of us. The focus should’ve stuck with Lu, Kristen, and the fabulous Ez de la Rosa, but of course, once Doctor Zhivago walked in, the focus flew like a line of daggers at Bethenny. Seriously, watching her get bombarded and fight people off is becoming a recurring nightmare. At this point, Bethenny should really develop Skinnygirl tissues…the scented ones…cucumber dill with a twist of jalapeńo…to keep you crying.

Thank goodness for “lighter fare” like Lady Morgan and her minions assembling the luggage for the upcoming voyage. I usually throw a piece of luggage on my bed an hour before I leave and that’s that. For Sonja, it’s a production. Ever noticed how we always watch her pack? And how she directs her interns and guides them to make good packing decisions? (I only wish I could’ve gotten college credit for packing suitcases, honestly.) I’m really fascinated by all the ongoings in the Lady’s townhouse. It’s its own little world…like the city in Shrek. Such a pleasant little kingdom.

So, in talking with Bethenny one night, we both realized that Park Side in Queens is one of our favorite restaurants; Bethenny then organized a girl’s night out, complete with stretch limo and trick cups! Great food, old school mafia environment, and the cast of characters are endless. Believe it, it’s much more charming than that sounds. (Also, I forgot how much I love a good jumpsuit and frosted lipstick.) Every time I walk into that place, I feel like I’m on the set of Casino. I dragged The Countess across the East River and she actually enjoyed it! Lady Morgan sadly couldn't make it, but that gave us an opportunity to talk about her…you know how they tend to do. I’ll be honest, I feel bad I said anything. I know she is going through a lot, and I should just follow my own advice and keep my mouth shut. I sometimes just worry about her and, on many levels, can relate to her. I’m just protective of people I care about, honestly. Can’t really turn that off. New York City can be a really unforgiving place—in every way. I myself have used going out as an escape, but I think that people are watching and taking notice, so it’s important to be self-aware and make sure you don't get yourself in trouble. A lot of people you think are your friends may just be there for the limelight and the perks and not have the best intentions. It’s a pretty common problem, especially in our circles. Opportunists are lurking everywhere. So, to Sonja, I am sorry if I overstepped with my remark, but I adore you, and I think you’re a wonderful person, and I want you to find what you deserve, not only always focus on what you feel you deserve. Love you, mean it! (I’m writing this while having leftover meat-stuffed rolls from Park Side, thank you very much.)

And that brings us to the Rise of RaMEANa. The Warwick suite was gorgeous and, to celebrate the Resident Magazine cover for Luann, we all got together and supported. (I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t mind moving into that suite. It’s that kind of beautiful.) Ultimately, it was a great night, despite the clash in the suite. (Of course, there’s a clash that happens at the party downstairs, but that’s for next Tuesday’s blog.) When Ramona walked in and jumped at Kristen, it was like a new battle between the Blue and the Gray. (Or is it grey?) First of all, it’s only a dress, not a petting zoo. And a beautiful sweater dress, at that! Kristen is really the most fabulous of us, and she’s the Queen of Style. Such impeccable taste--I love to sit back and admire. Despite all this, Ramona obviously wanted to grind her axe. We all know Ramona--when she wants to get something done or said, there’s just no stopping her. Girls, we are all mothers, wives, and women on a mission, but you have to keep some boundaries and show some respect. It’s okay to get something off your chest, but please let’s try to not use words like “dumb.” There are better words…like “bitches.”

Ultimately, Kristen handled herself pretty well and walked out like a classy, elegant girl with a wine glass in hand, thank you very much. Thank goodness it all ended quickly, as we had to move mannequins downstairs for the party that awaited. (Not me…I don’t work at cocktail parties anymore. Those days are behind me. Thanks.)

Well, that’s all I have to say this week. Turks and Caicos, the bitches are coming, the bitches are coming!"

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo

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