Joanna Krupa has been staying busy since her days on The Real Housewives of Miami. She recently shared on Instagram about her next movie project, revealing some key details her latest movie role about the film, Another Day in Paradise. The Poland's Next Top Model judge is set to play Stacy, a first aid nurse, in the upcoming film.
The movie also stars Malcolm in the Middle star Frankie Muniz and Pretty Little Liars actor Brendan Robinson. Krupa shared a selfie with actors, as seen below!
The actress' first on-set selfie was bittersweet for the actress, who also paid tribute to her dog, Ginger, who lost her battle with lymphoma and anemia earlier this week.
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
The movie also stars Malcolm in the Middle star Frankie Muniz and Pretty Little Liars actor Brendan Robinson. Krupa shared a selfie with actors, as seen below!
The actress' first on-set selfie was bittersweet for the actress, who also paid tribute to her dog, Ginger, who lost her battle with lymphoma and anemia earlier this week.
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo