Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards has reached a plea deal in connection with her Target shoplifting case. According to the office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, she was sentenced to 52 AA meetings, three years probation, 300 hours community service as well as two days in jail (which she was given time served on).
She will also have to stay away from the Van Nuys Target in which she was arrested in over the summer. Richards allegedly stole upwards of $600 worth of items. A rep for the Los Angeles City Attorney tells The Daily Dish she did not appear in court when the sentence was passed down.
Back in April, Kim was arrested following an incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel and later charged with three misdemeanors: resisting arrest, public intoxication, and battery on an officer. In connection with that case she was handed a similar plea deal: three years summary probation, 30 days of community labor, 52 weeks of Alcoholics Anonymous sessions, and agreeing to stay away from the Beverly Hills Hotel, a rep for the L.A. County District Attorney confirmed.
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
She will also have to stay away from the Van Nuys Target in which she was arrested in over the summer. Richards allegedly stole upwards of $600 worth of items. A rep for the Los Angeles City Attorney tells The Daily Dish she did not appear in court when the sentence was passed down.
Back in April, Kim was arrested following an incident at the Beverly Hills Hotel and later charged with three misdemeanors: resisting arrest, public intoxication, and battery on an officer. In connection with that case she was handed a similar plea deal: three years summary probation, 30 days of community labor, 52 weeks of Alcoholics Anonymous sessions, and agreeing to stay away from the Beverly Hills Hotel, a rep for the L.A. County District Attorney confirmed.
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo