Now that The Real Housewives of Vancouver aired their second season finale today, fans of the hit show are questioning if there's going to be a reunion special. Well yesterday Dana Gee from The Province confirms there's not going to be a reunion. Want to know why? Dana writes:
"There will be no reunion show. The official Slice reasoning is the network wanted to follow more of the episodic drama opposed to cutting the season short for a reunion episode."
This makes it the first English speaking Real Housewives series with no reunion special of the whole franchise. Season 1 of RHOV did a two part reunion special with RHOV director Mike Bickerton as the host. I have to say I'm very disappointed to hear this. Hopefully Slice decides to change their mind but by the looks of it, I doubt it.
Are you guys disappointed as I am? What are YOUR thoughts? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
Source: The Province
Photo Credit: Slice