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Dr. Jenn On Taylor Armstrong And John Bluher - Couples Therapy Episode 3!

Dr. Jenn sat down with VH1 and talked about this week's episode of Couples Therapy. Find out what Dr. Jenn had to say about former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong below!

When you started to process Taylor’s tantrum this week, she explained that she behaved the way she did because, as she put it, she’s already had reality TV kill one person she loved, and she’s afraid of that happening again. What did you think when she said that?

The bottom line is that Taylor has clearly walked around with a lot of guilt about Russell’s death and that is very, very common when you have a loved one or a spouse that commits suicide. There’s a lot of guilt that the survivor is left with. I think survivors are always left with “How did I contribute?” or “How was I responsible?” and the truth is, when someone takes their life, theyare responsible. Reality TV did not kill Russell, Taylor did not kill Russell. Clearly Russell was a disturbed person and had some mental health issues. You don’t commit suicide if you are mentally stable and functional. I think that when you’re in a relationship with someone who tells you repeatedly that things are your fault, there’s even more of a tendency to take on a belief that you’re responsible for things you’re not responsible for. I was thrilled that this came up in therapy because I felt it was a great opportunity for her to understand that that was not the case and to hopefully free her of some of that survivor guilt.

Taylor talked abut how her reactions were an attempt to cater to some of John’s needs, did he know this was how she felt and why she was acting this way, to have control over the situation and make him happy?

John realizes that Tayloris very in tune with him and very sensitive to his moods and any time he gets upset, but I don’t think that he realized how much he contributed because there were so many other valid things that she was upset about. I don’t blame her for being upset that the heat was on, that’s uncomfortable. Every one of the things she brought up, they were valid, but the truth is, her meltdown wasn’t really about those things, it was about feeling out of control and it was about the anxiety that brings up for her. In psychology there’s an expression, “it’s grist for the mill,” if something comes up in therapy, it’s all stuff that can be used to better understand the person and go even deeper into therapy. This is a perfect example. This meltdown ended up being, therapeutically speaking, a blessing. That I got to see that side of her, see her triggers, and see her level of anxiety, and I got to process it.

There you have it, if you would like to read the complete article CLICK HERE!

What are your thoughts on what Dr. Jenn had to say about Taylor? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section!

Couples Therapy airs Thursday nights at 9/8c only on VH1

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