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Shannon Beador Says Tamra Judge Was A "Pot Stirrer" This Season And Weighs In On Heather Dubrow's Double Standards

Shannon Beador is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion, Part 1. Shannon weighs in on Heather's need for instantaneous forgiveness, Tamra's pot stirring, and Vicki's relationship with Brooks. Shannon writes:

"I am a bit frustrated after viewing Part 1 of the reunion. Let's begin. . .

Heather apologized to me numerous times in this episode, which might give for hope for a future relationship with her. The problem I have is that the apologies came with a "but" or some sort of excuse attached to it. Heather said that she felt "picked on" by Vicki and Tamra to explain some of her behavior towards me. If she felt "isolated from everyone," why didn't she take the advice that she has repeated multiple times this season and "go to the source"? I never heard the theory of being "ridiculous, sensitive, and prickly" when I had a sit down meeting with Heather to clear the air.

Heather wrote in a blog that I had an "outburst" at Javier's that was "scary." As I tried to clarify what she meant, Heather said that "in her mind" things were "bigger than they were", so apparently that made everything acceptable when she apologized.

I believe that Heather had some sort of agenda with me in different parts of the season. On multiple occasions, she constantly repeated the same term to "describe" my character --"scary angry" and "yelling" at the forefront. And now, six months after Heather's repeated belief that I "yelled" at her at my Christmas party, she confirms that I did NOT yell and that it was a "misfortunate choice of words" (a "misfortunate choice of words" that was used over and over again. . .). It is bizarre to me that Heather believes she can deliver what I consider to be a qualified apology and expect instantaneous forgiveness. I just wanted a moment to process and understand it all. I wish it had been that easy for me when I apologized to her continuously throughout the season. Double standard.

Tamra was absolutely a "pot stirrer" this season. She went back and forth between Heather and I at many different points. It doesn't matter what excuse Tamra gives for going to Heather with information about David's email, I do not believe that she betrayed my trust because she was looking out for my best interest. It was never in my best interest for Heather to know anything about the short argument I had with my husband or the email that he sent me. I am tired of Tamra insinuating that I am a "liar", "crazy," and have a "drinking problem." I don't use alcohol as an excuse for forgetting things this season -- but Tamra has on more than one occasion. Tamra insinuates that I am "crazy" because I had one outburst at Lizzie’s party, yet Tamra can scream over and over again. And what is truly troublesome to me is that she swears on her children that she never said Terry wanted to "take the Beadors down" when Vicki confirmed that she actually did say it.

One of my buttons this season has been Heather attempting to downgrade that she "kicked me out of her house" by saying that she "asked me to leave." She herself said at Lizzie's party that she "kicked me out" of her house. Enough.

Terry's comments in the Reunion completely threw me for a loop. He heard minutes earlier that David and I resolved our "email" issue less than 24 hours after I received it, yet he chose to make the insensitive comment that it was "odd" that I would show up at his house when I should be at home discussing my marriage with my husband. David and I were in a good place and had resolved everything when I went to their house. I came to speak to Heather for one reason -- to confirm that Tamra had betrayed me because the "source" denied that she had.

But the biggest surprise to me in the entire episode was Terry's inability to take responsibility for his inappropriate statements and behavior at Vicki's party. He called my husband stupid, demeaned his profession, and coined him a "penis." Terry attempted to explain it all away, but his excuses make no sense and it didn't work. In fact, he said that he doesn't really apologize for what happened because of "his incorrect mindset." And to somehow give Eddie a pass for his comment about Heather "riding Terry" is beyond ridiculous. Once again, if the Dubrows had practiced what they preach and contacted David about his "spread the legs" comment, Terry would have instantly received an apology from my husband and not have "lost two months of sleep."

I was very happy that David was with me for a portion of the reunion. Neither of us could have ever anticipated the amount of drama or intimate details of our lives that were seen on the show. We both have no regrets and I am appreciative that we were able to support each other in this episode. All is good in the Beador family and that is what is most important to me!

I adore my amazing friend Vicki and know that she is quite capable of making her own decisions in her life. I have personally seen how happy she is when she is with Brooks. As long as I see this light in her eyes, I will always continue to support my friend and her relationship. I am so sad that her family is divided because I know how much it is hurting Vicki. I wish nothing but the best for her!

I’m looking forward to seeing the next installment of the reunion. It was such a long day-- I don’t even remember what we talked about!"

What do you think about Shannon’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo

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