Last week, Foxtel officially announced the cast of the second season of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. The new season will include original cast members Chyka Keebaugh, Gina Liano, Janet Roach, Jackie Gillies and Lydia Schiavello. Plastic surgeon wife, Andrea Moss decided not to return. The new season will include two new cast mebers, Gamble Breaux and Pettifleur Berenger.
Even thought Breaux was unofficially announced a few weeks prior, the surprise announcement was city property developer Berenger.
She told the Herald Sun filming had been going great and everyone was getting along.
“Meeting these wonderful ladies, they are all so amazing,’’ she said. “It feels fantastic.”
“I”m a mother of three boys, 23, turning 15 and turning 12, they are gorgeous,’’ she said.
“They are absolutely treasures, if I was to put out a tick box to pick the right babies, this is it. I’m very fortunate to be in the position I am.”
As for Breaux, she is well known around Melbourne’s social set. She said said she was ready for the filming including the inevitable public scrutiny.
“I think I am mentally prepared,’’ she said.
“I think it will work OK with me, I think I have the right kind of desposition. You have to always remember it’s a TV show and fun.”
The second season of The Real Housewives of Melbourne will air sometime next year on Foxtel's Arena!
Photo Credit: Ian Currie/Foxtel
Even thought Breaux was unofficially announced a few weeks prior, the surprise announcement was city property developer Berenger.
She told the Herald Sun filming had been going great and everyone was getting along.
“Meeting these wonderful ladies, they are all so amazing,’’ she said. “It feels fantastic.”
“I”m a mother of three boys, 23, turning 15 and turning 12, they are gorgeous,’’ she said.
“They are absolutely treasures, if I was to put out a tick box to pick the right babies, this is it. I’m very fortunate to be in the position I am.”
As for Breaux, she is well known around Melbourne’s social set. She said said she was ready for the filming including the inevitable public scrutiny.
“I think I am mentally prepared,’’ she said.
“I think it will work OK with me, I think I have the right kind of desposition. You have to always remember it’s a TV show and fun.”
The second season of The Real Housewives of Melbourne will air sometime next year on Foxtel's Arena!
Photo Credit: Ian Currie/Foxtel