According to new report, Teresa Giudice's husband Joe is “keeping his distance” from Phaedra Park' husband and fellow prisoner Apollo Nida.“Joe is trying to lay low so he doesn’t get into any more trouble,” a prison insider tells Radar Online.
“He knows it is best that he stay away from Apollo.”
The two reality stars are currently serving time in New Jersey’s Fort Dix correctional institution for separate fraud schemes. While Giudice originally talked to Nida, 37, behind bars, he now wants to keep his nose clean and stay away from the Real Housewives of Atlanta husband, reports Radar.
Nida, who was also tossed into maximum security for harboring a secret cell phone, has allegedly infuriated inmates by cutting food lines and interrupting sacred recreation sessions.
“Apollo thinks he’s better than everyone else because he’s famous,” a source revealed to Radar. “Obviously, his behavior doesn’t win him any friends.”
Joe is currently serving a three year prison sentence while Apollo Nida is servings a eight year prison sentence.
Photo Credit: Getty Images
“He knows it is best that he stay away from Apollo.”
The two reality stars are currently serving time in New Jersey’s Fort Dix correctional institution for separate fraud schemes. While Giudice originally talked to Nida, 37, behind bars, he now wants to keep his nose clean and stay away from the Real Housewives of Atlanta husband, reports Radar.
Nida, who was also tossed into maximum security for harboring a secret cell phone, has allegedly infuriated inmates by cutting food lines and interrupting sacred recreation sessions.
“Apollo thinks he’s better than everyone else because he’s famous,” a source revealed to Radar. “Obviously, his behavior doesn’t win him any friends.”
Joe is currently serving a three year prison sentence while Apollo Nida is servings a eight year prison sentence.
Photo Credit: Getty Images